Token Addresses & Contracts
Find below all the official The Doge NFT (DOG) token addresses and contracts.
Official Token Addresses
Ethereum Mainnet: 0xBAac2B4491727D78D2b78815144570b9f2Fe8899
Arbitrum One: 0x4425742F1EC8D98779690b5A3A6276Db85Ddc01A
Polygon (Matic): 0xeEe3371B89FC43Ea970E908536Fcddd975135D8a
Binance Smart Chain (BNB/BSC): 0xaa88c603d142c371ea0eac8756123c5805edee03
Base (Coinbase): 0xafb89a09d82fbde58f18ac6437b3fc81724e4df6
Solana (Wormhole): B9u8h65uM1oifqmP82VyUDb68iG2fKfZiyubmNMtu3h7
Relevant Contract Addresses
The original NFT, minted on Zora: 0xabefbc9fd2f806065b4f3c237d4b59d9a97bcac7, ID 3366
Pixels of The Doge NFT: 0x07887Ee0Bd24E774903963d50cF4Ec6a0a16977D
Base Pixel Portal: 0x07887Ee0Bd24E774903963d50cF4Ec6a0a16977D
The fractional contract: 0x85Aa7f78BdB2DE8F3e0c0010d99AD5853fFcfC63
Note that this is the contract deployer; the actual vault contract that holds The Doge NFT is the Ethereum Mainnet link at the top of this page.
Fractional have restructured their site - the original page link will only work if you have already connected your wallet:
Token Trackers
Coin Market Cap:
Honorable Mentions
We are on the Optimism Superchain Token list:
Listed on Dank Bank:
Last updated